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Art + Framing Today Magazine

Art Business Today est. in 1905 is the UK's leading magazine for the art and framing industry. It is aimed at professional artists, framers, galleries, art publishers, trade suppliers, art agents, printers and everyone in between. In 2003, Art Business Today won Magazine of the Year in the Trade Ass...
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Design Buy Build Magazine

A subscription to the Design Buy Build magazine is an indispensable tool for any Architect, House Builder, Property Developer, Local Authority and member of the design community. As a regular reader, you are rewarded with up to date knowledge and unique insights from Building & Design professionals....
Subscribe to Design Buy Build Magazine now from only £20.28
Save up to: £607.44

The Saatchi Gallery Magazine Art and Music Magazine

A magazine which can actually think for itself excellent stuff. Tom Hodgkinson Art & Music is one of those magazines The Face, Frieze and the Believer are others that spring to mind that come along once in a generation and seem to arrive miraculously fully formed. One from the kool skool. No sweat. ...
Subscribe to The Saatchi Gallery Magazine Art and Music Magazine now from only £17.50
Save up to: £157.10

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