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Wrights Farming Register Magazine

Take out a subscription to Wrights Farming Register, the monthly newspaper for the farmer, agricultural dealer, plant machinery dealer and contractor. Wrights Farming Register includes monthly editorial and features on farming and countryside topics including Rolling Back the Years' which looks at p...
Subscribe to Wrights Farming Register Magazine now from only £13.00
Save up to: £514.80

African Review of Business and Technology Magazine

African Review of Business and Technology contains news articles on new developments, materials and contracts relevant to the continent. Within every issue, the editorial content covers banking and financial forecasts, management and business, executive travel and international reports. Regular feat...
Subscribe to African Review of Business and Technology Magazine now from only £73.00

African Journal of Midwifery and Woman's Health Magazine

AJM African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health is a quarterly peer reviewed and evidence based journal for midwives and nurses. It is aimed at those who wish to keep up to date with developments relating to midwifery and women's health in Africa. Subscribe to AJM today and benefit from Discussi...
Subscribe to African Journal of Midwifery and Woman's Health Magazine now from only £44.00

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