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F1 Race Technology Magazine

No matterhow good a driver is, intechnology led Formula Onehe is at the mercy of thecompetitiveness of his car.What are the factors that make a car capable of running at acompetitive pace in qualifying and the race Although thereis much secrecy in FormulaOne, each year this indepth review of the spo...
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Drag Race Technology Magazine

Behind the astonishing spectacle of professional drag racing is extreme engineering that is ultra tightly focused but compared to other forms of motorsport no less complex for that. If anything, the puzzle gets harder, the fewer are the variables that make the difference between winning and losing. ...
Subscribe to Drag Race Technology Magazine now from only £20.00

Cup Race Technology Magazine

Although stock appearing, running oval tracks at 200 mph the Cup car generates huge aerodynamic forces. Under the skin the Cup car is purpose designed for racing albeit around some mandatory components that are strangely archaic. It all adds up to a fascinating engineering challenge. Published annua...
Subscribe to Cup Race Technology Magazine now from only £20.00

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